“Are the issues discussed in the proposed Local Plan the main issues facing Exeter? Are there any which should be changed, added or removed?“
Another massively open-ended question! But let’s focus on the opportunity to have your say on anything you feel is under threat in your area – it could be local services, or problems with traffic, maybe you feel HEALTH SERVICES need greater priority, or facilities for young people should be prioritised. This is where you should add anything you feel strongly about. Using your own words is often really powerful.
Here are some suggestions with a Pinhoe perspective >
1. Opportunities for a Nature Recovery Network connecting Exeter’s Valley Parks to the Clyst Valley Regional Park should be added to the strategic vision for the Local Plan by incorporating a protected Ridgeline Park as a ‘wildbelt’ across the Northern Hills
2. Formal protection for the Northern Hills landscape with policy commitments to safeguard land across the adjacent Exeter Fringes from development
3. Commitments to build on the successful partnership with Devon Wildlife Trust should be included, celebrating the success of Exeter Wild City, the Valley Parks and Saving Devon’s Treescapes
4. An evidence-based approach for healthy air and noise pollution levels should drive Local Plan targets, in line with World Health Organisation advice
5. Community consultation and social value should be incorporated as directional forces when considering “the right way, time and place” for infrastructure development. We note the vague language of the Local Plan which neither acknowledges the role of local residents or the importance of social value considerations.
5a. Commitments to secure funding to build the Pinhoe Community Hub should be included as essential infrastructure development – it’s not on the list at the moment and should be considered urgent and essential
Anything else you think should be included? Contact mail@portfoliofive.co.uk