Comments on the VISION statement of the Local Plan

The new plan proposes Exeter as ‘a leading sustainable city and global leader in addressing the challenges of climate change and urbanisation’. This is supported by a Corporate Plan with 7 key elements: for Exeter to be “analytical and innovative”, “healthy and inclusive”, “the most active city” with “world-class education” as a “liveable and connected” and “leading sustainable” city supported by a rich cultural life.

Here are some suggestions to put green infrastructure at the heart of the vision >

The unique contribution of green infrastructure and its vital role in Exeter’s transition to a low carbon future should be formally recognised, protected and enhanced across all of the vision statements and policy commitments, aims and planning directives in this new Local Plan. Adding this to your comments in this section would help to place green infrastructure at the heart of the Local Plan Vision – shifting the city’s green spaces to the front and centre of policy development and underlining their immense social value to everyone living in Exeter

Exeter’s green spaces should be connected across the city to provide an integrated network of prioritised public access points. This green network should underpin the vision for Exeter to be the most active and accessible city in England, integral to the ambitions of the Corporate Plan to promote active healthy lifestyles By adding this to your comments on the Plan’s Vision, you shift the value of green spaces to the centre of policy commitments

The Local Plan proposals centre on a vision for GROWTH. But there are exciting new economic models that are far more reflective of sustainable approaches to future challenges. These models centre on the importance of creating the conditions for THRIVING communities. This change in language could begin an important shift in local policies.

The need for a change in thinking is flagged in the Council’s own appraisal of previous Local Plans, where it recognises the need to “rethink how high streets function”. Moving the emphasis to thriving neighbourhoods would enable a funding shift away from the city centre and towards infrastructure support for local neighbourhoods.

If you believe that a change in direction which puts support for communities at the heart of the vision for Exeter, now is the time and this is the question box to have your say. If you want to know more about the new economics, have a look at Doughnut Economics – it’s even been on EastEnders 😉